The Theistic God Exists Rough Draft

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J-Lindo's avatar
This is the rough draft of my essay in Philosophical Foundations/Apologetics class. Again, I'm not posting this for a debate, I'm asking for a check on how I did essay-wise. So how'd I do on it?

        The existence of the theistic God is apparent by simply observing the universe we live in and our very nature. These observations can be compiled into the Cosmological, Teleological, and Moral Law arguments. However, in order to be able to present these arguments at all, one must be able to know truth; otherwise, such arguments are pointless.

        Truth, particularly absolute truth, exists and is naturally knowable, and its opposite is false. Any claim contrary to this would ultimately defeat itself. If one were to say that aboslute truth does not exist, that statement, should it be stated as absolute, would fail to meet its own standard. If it were not absolute, there would be exceptions to it, which would completely nullify it. Some would say that truth cannot be knowable, whether it exists or not. How, then, do they surely know that truth cannot be known? As for the opposite of truth being false, an object and its opposite cannot be the same thing- true and untrue cannot be the same, thus that which is the opposite of truth is false. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that absolute truth exists and is therefore knowable, and the opposite of truth is false.

        The existence of a theistic God can apparently be proven, using the Cosmological, Teleological, and Moral arguments. Once presented with these arguments, they seem to defy any claim of God's non-existence.

        The Cosmological argument for the existence of God bases itself on the universe's existence having a starting point and therefore a cause. As Julie Andrews once said in the film The Sound of Music,
        "Nothing comes from nothing- nothing ever could." To say nothing has a cause, something would have to have caused one to think such a thought. No rational thought can imply something happening has no cause. However, did the universe have a beginning? If not, it is infinite; this idea cannot be true, however. It has been discovered that the universe is expanding and is running out of usable energy. If the universe were infinite, it would have expanded infinitely farther than it is now, and would have used up all its obviously finite energy an infinite time ago. The fact that we can still observe both proves the universe is finite, therefore has had a beginning, therefore has had a cause outside of it and all of its boundaries. The proposed solution is the One who fits this description: God.

        Not only does the universe have a beginning, it also has design, as stated by the Teleological argument. Anything with design must have a designer, so if the universe, earth, and everything in them have design, they must have had a designer as well. To look at the small scale, even a single strand of DNA contains about as much information as one volume of an encyclopedia. On the larger part, the whole universe has certain factors, should they be altered even slightly, would make the entire universe unfit for life. For example, the rate of the universe's expansion is so finely tuned that just one millionth of a difference in speed would cause it to collapse on itself before the formation of stars or to expand too fast for galaxies to form. According to Hugh Ross, there are 122 of these life-giving factors, and each of them simply screams design- specifically, design for life. Since there is obviously design, there must be a designer, as there cannot be a painting without a painter. The designer must have been outside of the entire design in order to do it at all- the only answer must be God.

        Unlike the Cosmological and Teleological arguments, the Moral argument for the existence of God relies more on the nature of human beings. The Moral argument states there is a constant, unchangable standard of morality embedded in the hearts and minds of every human being. This can rightly be affirmed by the obvious inconsistencies of denying the existence of absolute moral values, yet wanting to keep some. One who says they do not believe in an absolute moral standard probably, like most people, take offense if they are deliberately harmed, cheated on, stolen from, etc. Very few people, if any, respond to being stolen from with the belief that the theif was doing the right thing. If it were all a matter of opinion, there is no point in having law enforcement, since it would only be the police man's opinion verses the offender's. To put it in a more personal case, it would be the husband's moral opinion verses the moral opinions of the cheating wife. Absolute morals must exist, and only Someone that transcends mankind and its boundaries could have nailed it into our nature- the theistic God.

        The existence of the theistic God is seemingly fathomable. According to the Cosmological, Teleological, and Moral Law arguments, the theistic God does exist and therefore knocks down any faith relating to atheism or pantheism.
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